Amy’s Yorkshire Flying Club
Slingsby Week & Vintage Rally
Amy was a friend and collaborator of Fred Slingsby, Yorkshire and the UK’s most famous glider manufacturer, and she was also an early member of Yorkshire Gliding Club at Sutton Bank which Fred helped found. Annually, the Club holds a Slingsby Week for the display and flying of vintage Slingsby gliders and this year’s gathering will celebrate the Club’s relationship with Amy Johnson as well as being a great opportunity for the Club’s ongoing promotion Get Women Gliding, launched earlier this year to encourage women into this very do-able and affordable form of aviation.
Come and see the vintage gliders and the Yorkshire Club where Amy herself flew and inspired generations of glider pilots. Talk to pilots and perhaps enjoy a flight yourself.
Full details of Slingsby Week at www.ygc.co.uk
Saturday 27 August – Sunday 4 September
Sutton Bank
North Yorkshire