Yarn Bomb Moth

Yarn Bomb Moth

Artist – Sarah Taylor

Design Description

Yarn Bomb Moth allows us to consider how Amy chose to follow her dreams and live a life completely different than that as prescribed to most women in her time. The use of crochet and knitting which were the more expected pastimes of women cloak a moth – the means to reach the skies and follow Amy’s ambitions.

The moth’s body will be covered with brightly coloured pom-poms which are reminiscent of moths’ furry bodies. They will be painted underneath to avoid causing damp problems when mounted. The wings will be upcycled knitted and crochet pieces, and consequently may vary due to the textiles available.

Artist Statement

Sarah Taylor is a project manager in the arts sector, and has been based in Hull for 11 years. Sarah worked on the memorable Larkin with Toads project which involved managing the Toad warehouse, artists and community toads – but always wished she had designed her own toad! Sarah works with colour, paint and textiles to create useful and beautiful artwork, homewares children’s costumes.