Hull’s Golden Girl
Hull’s Golden Girl
Artist – Julia Zeller-Jacques
Design Description
The design is inspired by the optimism and adventure of the great age of flight. As pioneers like Amy Johnson took to the skies, artists and architects also looked upwards, creating elaborate skyscrapers and adorning them in shining metal and glass. The golden rays and luminous green field recall the Art Deco architecture of the time, some of which can still be seen in Hull. Around the edges are silhouettes of the places along Amy’s famous flight, and the head of the moth is rendered as a compass, in honour of all the journeys we have yet to take.
Artist Statement
Julia Zeller-Jacques is a graduate of the Hull School of Art and Design who lived in East Yorkshire for more than two decades. Now based in Scotland, she works as a freelance artists and illustrator, producing original prints and paintings inspired by local landscapes and architecture.