Dot to Dot

Dot to Dot

Artist – David Graham

Design Description

This Aboriginal inspired design celebrates Amy Johnson’s arrival in Australia. The pattern on the moth uses traditional Aboriginal symbols as a narrative; the linked circles describe Johnson’s journey, next to the Aboriginal femail symbol, whilst the zig zag tells of the mountainous terrain that she will have navigated over. The limited palette of natural, earthy, rustic colours reflect the authentic hues which the Aborigine people will have sourced from their environment including ground down rocks and plant pigments.


Artist Statement

I am Head of Creative Arts in an all girls’ school in Liverpool but continue to work as a freelance artist/graphic designer working with a wide range of 2D and 3D media. My work includes photography, collaborative community projects including mosaics, public murals and graffiti knitting. In 2009, I staged an exhibition of his pupils’ artwork on The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square as part of Antony Gormley’s One and Other’ project. More recently, my designs have appeared in Wild In Art sculpture trails in Birmingham’s ‘The Big Hoot’ and Salisbury’s ‘The Baron’s Charter.’